Monday, August 10, 2009

Test Week(s)

I'm positively dying. Wait. Is dying negative or positive? I don't know. Hmmmm... Lack of self motivation. To many illnesses recently. Lack of training. Skills drop. Everything has changed. Nothing is like before. But no matter! Working hard is the answer! Train hard, work hard! Approximately 15~16 more weeks to official HOLIDAYS! Persevere!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Plate's full!!! Up to my ears!!!

I've recently been bombarded by homework in school. It wasn't much, but then I don't know why, but I suddenly had a feeling that I had to complete my ACE, fast. There was also a very difficult flash project to hand in. I finished that yesterday and rushed through my tons of homework at home. However, I could only progress little through my ACE projects, hmmm.... I'm so disappointed with myself. And piano practice! I completely overlooked that! Piano examination will be due in 4 weeks and I haven't perfected any one of my songs... My teacher'll be furious when I go for lessons on Saturday...

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Favourite Poet!

When I looked up, one name caught my eye. He is the author of my favourite poem. That's right, my favourite poet is Shel Silverstein.

Why? Because he is able to use all elements of the human feelings, like laughter, humour, sadness, grief, etc. to write his poems. Therefore, he has no fixed theme in his poems and the poems published today may be entirely different from that published the next day.

He is also amazing in the fact that he is able to understand and write humorous poems. Humorous poems are incredibly difficult to write( well, that is, for me). Based on the poems found in I found that the other authors had difficulties when writing the humorous poems and the final product would then have no humour factor at all. The fact that Shel Silverstein could write "Messy Room" was the testament that he was an accomplished poet.

He also compiled poems and put them into books. For example, "Runny Rabbit" was a poetry collection of spoonerisms that were completed before his death. Interestingly, he also illustrated his own books.

His three most popular poems are Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic and Falling Up.

Sadly, the poet passed away in May 1999.

My Favourite Poem!

Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

This is my favourite poem from
This poem is entitled "Messy Room" by Shel Silverstein.
He names the lizard that lies on the bed "Ed", making it out to be a human being. He also uses a lot of adjectives to describe more about the messy state of the room. He also uses a quite adequate link of rhyming words at the end of each line, thus making the poem easier to read. He also uses a lot of humour in his poem.
The last four lines are a very good example of his humour. He says that whoever is the room's owner should be ashamed. However, he realises that the room is his and looks familiar. In the end, he has himself to be ashamed for because of his messy room! His criticism had backfired!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Diary entry of Hari after events in the text

Dear Diary,
Today is the first time I went to the bazaar to sell the eggs from the poultry farm in the backyard. Coincidentally, the de Silvas came back from Bombay today. The cook bought half of my eggs. At the bazaar, I sold the eggs in less than an hour, at a very good profit, too! I walked home happily after that to show Lila the money I made. Lila was very happy with me. Mother then told me to get some coconuts to sell to the de Silvas.I got 6 coconuts from the coconut trees. However, the cook wasn't impressed with the coconuts. Just then, Mr de Silva came out and said he wanted to buy them. He gave me a 10 rupee note and told me to keep it! I actually made 8 rupees more than what I usually got from 6 coconuts!
That night, Father praised me for my hard work. This is the best day of my life!
Good Night,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The book that made an impact on my parents' lives

The book that made an impact on my parents' lives is "Thick face, Black Heart" by Chin-Ning Chu. The title may sound a bit illegal and very suggestive, but it is not a book teaching you to kill people or not care about anything.
Well, this book teaches you how you should make sacrifices that are needed for the greater good and how to not care about others' opinion of you.
I have read the book, and, in essence, black heart talks about being able to make sacrifices and take risks without brooding about the risks or sacrifices. Thick face means that you don't care about what opinions others have of you.
How did my parents apply it? Well, it was actually their friend who applied it. They told their friend of the book and started elaborating on it. Before that, their friend was a chronic loser in the stock market. He just couldn't bear to get less profits and always held onto the stocks until they dropped out of the bottom because that was what he learnt in school--buy at the lowest point, sell at the highest point. Then, he applied Thick face, Black heart and started to care less about the profits he made, as ong as he earned money. He is now a brilliant investor and has made so much money that he could retire almost 5 years prematurely.
My parents recently also started to invest. However, they didn't invest in the stock market as they thought it was very dangerous. I'm not sure what they invested in, but they surely had more "pocket money" now!
"Thick face, Black Heart" thus made an impact on my parents' lives by teaching them what would never be thought in school.

My Favourite Part of Village by the Sea

Well, for this topic, I had no dilemma. My favourite part of the story would be its end. It is, as expected because it is my favourite part of the story, a happy ending. Well, Hari's mother is cured of her anaemia, his father is not the least drunk anymore, Hari has money enough to support the family. They can afford Bela and Kamal's books now because Hari has money. They finally have plans for the future--they want to become the owners of Thul's first poultry farm.
There is very much less stress, and I believe that the family will finally lead a "happily ever after" life because, first of all, Hari's mother is cured. After she is cured, there is much less burden on the family and the is on more breadwinner.
Secondly, Hari's father has kicked his drinking habit and I personally don't think that he will go back to that habit because of the events that happened throughout the whole course of the text. Because of his drinking habit, the whole family led a hard life. Therefore, as a father, I don't think he would want to go back to the drinking habit that caused that period of hardship for the family.
Because of these reasons, the family has less burdens and therefore they will lead a happy life thereafter. Hence, the ending of the text was my favourite part of Anita Desai's Village by the Sea.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I rather be the city rat than the country rat.

City rat? Or country rat? When I first thought of this, I immediately thought that, of course, being a city rat was better. After all, I'm a "city rat". But, after careful observation, I summarised the different advantages and disadvantages in being the city or country rat.
City rat~ In the city, technology is more advanced, and getting from place to place is much easier as there are many more forms of transport than in the country. Also, there are many more forms of entertainment in the city. There are better job prospects in the city whereas the country has a limited amount of jobs. However, it is really very busy everyday in the city and many things have to be done. There is little time to really enjoy life as it is as you are so busy everyday. You must constantly improve yourself to keep up with the always-improving and very competitive community, therefore leaving very little time to your family.
Country Rat~There is a lot of leisure time in life as a country rat. You have a stable job, as long as your health does not deteriorate. There is no time spent in trying ever so hard to improve yourself and therefore, a lot of time is spent with family, thus strengthening family and relationship bonds. However, there is little variety of entertainment. Since there is a lot of time, many games are invented, but only if you have the inspiration. Technology is not very advanced-- the most commonly used form of transport is by foot or bicycles. Cars are useless as petrol kiosks are miles away, driving your car to and fro will only result in your tank of fuel becoming empty again.

So! These are the summaries of the city and country rats respectively. Not, very short, but at least you get the idea, right. After a very long period of thinking (4 days from the previous post), I finally made up my mind. If given the choice, I would choose to be the city rat.
Why? Because nature always changes, being in the city enables me to be able to realise change in the fact that everybody must improve and change to keep up. Although I have little time for my family, cherishing the short moments that the family have should be all that is needed to strengthen the family bonds. I also like being busy, it takes my mind off the everyday difficulties.

What about you? Which would you be? City rat? Or country rat? Please comment.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is progress necesarily beneficial for the society?

For this topic, my vote would be change is usually beneficial, but sometimes there are a few adverse effects.. It is, at the same time, necessary and beneficial for the society, yet, sometimes, wrong changes are made at the wrong time and everything falls into pieces.
For example, in Village by the Sea, the building of Biju's boat was the first sign of change in the text, which was necessary in giving jobs to the increasing amount of people in the village and providing more money for the village. This is a good change, which usually happens more in the society.
However, there is also another example in the Village by the Sea text that has adverse effect on the family. Actually, it is a blessing in disguise, I would say. When Hari runs off to Bombay, the family's sole breadwinner is gone and the family is plunged into even more hardship. But, it is a blessing in disguise as the de Silvas finally know of their plight and their mother can be finally sent to the hospital to get proper treatment. However, the period of time in between both events were, I would say, the hardest for the family in the text.
There are many other signs of changes in the book, like the building of factories, and the status of Hari's family's financial status. However, the root of the event is always the most significant, that's why I chose the building of Biju's boat which signalled a change in the lives of the village folk on the whole and Hari's mother having proper treatment which signalled the start of a better life for the family as there was lesser burden on the family.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Favourite Character in Village by the Sea

So..... The title says it all. Its what I want to discuss today. Hmmm.... For every book that I have read, I always have a definite favourite character, but I encountered a kind of dilemma after reading this book. Who to "vote" to be my favourite character? After much consideration, I shortlisted these 2 people.
Mr Panwallah~ He is caring and generous and is the first friend that Hari made when he first went to Bombay(Jagu doesn't count, Hari takes Jagu as his employer and not really a friend, watchman at Seabird also applies). He is the very character who voices out the need for change, an important theme in the book.
Mr de Silva~One of the main benefactors in the story, he helps Hari's family out of their situation indirectly by enabling them a salary every time he comes to Thul.
Who would I choose?
Well, actually, my opinion was that it was mainly Hari's salary in Bombay that helped the family out of their miserable situation. However, I thought Mr de Silva would also make it as my favourite character as Hari's mother was cured and would not prove as a burden for the family.
But, in the end, I finally came up with a decision. Hari could always go back to Bombay to work under Mr Panwallah(his wages are higher than with Jagu) and eventually come up with the money to cure his mother. Mr de Silva coming along to help Hari's mother get medecine was just a coincidence that their family could do without.
Mr Panwallah is my favourite character as he helped the family the most by helping Hari to earn money and support the family. Most importantly, he taught Hari that change was neccesary in any kind of community and also taught him to work independently. Hari could then make money in his village by selling chickens and more money when the working colony for the factories came and he could put his watchmending skills to good use.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Main topic in June Holidays

Hi guys! The holidays are just around the corner, in fact, they ARE already here. Anyway, I have training almost everyday in the holidays, but I will try my best to update the blog. The topics may be a bit random, but actually the main one's going to be about Village By The Sea, a literature text that I studied in term 2. I find it quite interesting as the themes that the author uses in her books are real problems faced by people in the slums. Their lives are, in fact, actually rubbish. They live day to day and if any problems crop up along the way, like incurring of debt, they will live with it for the rest of their lives. For example, if they incur a small debt, they cannot get rid of their debt as long as they live as they earn so little that they only have the infinitesimally small fraction of their salary to spend, (supposing they have one). This is explained in the book, Village by the sea. Therefore, I want to discuss about this book in the holidays. Visit my blog frequently to read my comments!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Game Addiction--Yellow Alert

Do you play Mousehunt?What about Virtual Badminton Game? Or Mafia Wars?
These are the "normal" questions in school nowadays. Well, in my class, after all. These games are from Facebook, the recent "hot" thing among adults and teenagers alike. It may even be for all age groups now.
But, for teenagers, the things that attract them to Facebook are the games. Due to the stress in school(which they presume is the biggest in the world), they play these games to "de-stress".
But, these games are slowly becoming their life. They play it almost always in their free time. Without it, they feel very bored.
I admit, I also play these games. But, I do have my limits and my mother to control me. Those who have this problem, please try to solve it. Don't let it take over your life. You'll regret it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cyberspace dangers

Hi people! My post today is about the cyber dangers. You may be thinking, yeah,yeah.So what? I'm not as stupid as to give away my private information.But did you know that even the tiniest, most infinitesimal amount of information you just leak accidentally might lead to you being tracked down and harassed?
Lets say you give a stranger your school name, CCA and maybe your birth month.
These are the examples.
School name : ABC school
birth month: May
The stranger can track down the school and CCA easily. Cracking into the database would be child's play for...well, a child. And then your birth month comes into play. It isn't possible that all of the people in your CCA has the same birth month right? So the stranger can track you down in these simple steps.
So, guard your personal information very carefully. You don't want to be harassed.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monster on beach!!!

Hi guys. I just read on the Yahoo! website. One article caught my eye in particular. It read:-
The web is excited by 'monster' mystery
Now, I thought to myself. This should be a great article to read.
I opened the link and started reading. I kept on the edge of my seat even though it was just a short and almost puny article. Even though there was only a brief description of it, there were no pictures of the 'monster'. However, there was a link to the pictures(on another website). But the brief description was enough to intimidate me not to go to the page already. The description inferred that it looked like a very large raccoon. I don't know how through it is, but I didn't dare to go and see the pictures. the idea of looking at the pictures just before I sleep was enough to give me the goosebumps. Grizzly, isn't it?

P.S. NOT for the faint-hearted.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What is the definition of "Emo"?

You must have heard the verb/noun(if it even is) in your school! Well, I've been hearing it everyday since I stepped into Hwa Chong! What do you think is the definition of "emo"?
You may want to know how I view this word. I think that being emo(so emo must be a verb) is when you are feeling down and you start to be unwilling to interact with anybody and bottle up your feelings. Overall, its negative, so try not to have these "symptoms". Share your thoughts.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Read more!!

There is no secret to becoming an English genius overnight. There is a short yet long path though. That is to read. As my English teacher says, the more you read, the more language you are exposed to and your mind will start to absorb the language. Thus, you will be able to improve your English as, in general, all books have good grammar and vocabulary. Also, you should choose books that have information that interests you, so that you don't fall asleep a few pages into the book.
There is a link to at on the right side of the page. This site lets you read a few free books and also has many other functions. It is also linked to libraries and bookstores so that you can know the availability of the book if you want to read it. Remember, read, read, and read some more!

Monday, April 20, 2009

How's your school life?

Yo people! How are your lives in school going on after one term in Secondary 1(for those who are sec 1 this year)? Send in your comments telling me about your school life! You can grade it on a scale of 10 and tell me interesting everyday things going on in your school! They could even be whether there are red ants in the school or whatever you like.You can also write a bit about your personal life at home. But please DO NOT spread rumours. I do not want my blog to become a flaming website.
You may be asking. What about my school life? Hmmm... Well... That question is actually quite hard to put in words, but i'll try my best to explain it. My CCA is very fun but it is tiring. I can interact with my friends but the homework also puts me off as sometimes the requirements are too great and I am hard pressed by myself to do my utmost best. This always results in me piling up great frustrations in myself unknowingly. Then I will realise that all of a sudden...... And I will...HUG BLUEY. Yeah! So that's just what my school and a bit of my personal life at home is about.

P.S. I'm hugging BLUEY now.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Best Song" Discussion!

Which song do you think is the best(or worse)? Please send in your comments on why you think so.
1.I'm Yours (Jason Mraz)
2.Crush (David Archuletta)
3.Lucky (Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat)
4.Built to Last (Melee)
5.Check yes Juliet (We the Kings)
6.Thunder (Boys like Girls)
7.Lovebug (Jonas Brothers)
8.When you look me in the eyes (Jonas Brothers)
9.Viva la Vida (Coldplay)
10.Why (Secondhand Serenade)
11.Fall for you (Secondhand Serenade)
12.Love Story (Taylor Swift)

These are some of the songs that topped the charts before.I believe that you'll have a hard time choosing the best!If you want to hear them, please search them on youtube and choose the "official video" of each one.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Are profanities meant to hurt or just a sick sense of humour?

Hmmm.... Just by looking at the title you should know what my post will be talking about. But i'm really puzzled. Are profanities meant to hurt or just a sick sense of humour? Because I have a friend who thinks that profanities are invented for a kind of humour only he can appreciate. When he says them he just smiles and doesn't seem to be angry. But I thought that profanities were to be used to express your utmost anger? Hmmm... I think that my friend could have changed his humour to be a warped sense. But you never know. Somebody may share his warped sense of humour! Share your comments on this article.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Earth Hour--Is it Useful or Useless?

Whew! Sorry again because i've been inactive for so long. Anyway, Earth Hour has already been history for about a week, but what do you think about it? I think that it has, from a long-term perspective, no use at all. Although you have saved the Earth one hour of energy, but people will then think that they have done their part and then be more careless with how they use energy. What do you think? Send in your comments.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too Busy......

Sorry for being inactive for so long people... I'm really busy slacking and doing things you do in holidays.... Haha.... Anyway I haven't watched "ninja warrior" for a long time. Had no time because of the camps... Whew! Today will finally be the day when I will watch "ninja warrior" after a week! Yeah!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cerebral Palsy Victim sure has determination

To people who haven't seen Miss Oh Siew May warm and bubbly side, they might just think she is a disabled person or even a crazy person.Why?Just because she has cerebral palsy.Then again,what is this thing?A badly spelt celebrate party sign?Of course not.This ailment is caused by brain damage and affects muscular coordination and control.Hence,Miss Oh walks with an awkward gait and speaks with great difficulty.
Still,unlike most others suffering from cerebral palsy,she is not wheelchair-bound.She has also been hit by the recession and is out of a job.
She also climbed a mountain that was half the height of the world's tallest and majestic mountain.Does not mean that it was half as majestic,though.Oh yeah,and she also wrote a book.With affected muscular coordination and control ailing her.
She had her own dreams,and still has them now,but four years ago,a small yet huge part of it all changed.Her dreams had been shrouded by fear,thus hindering her and not allowing her to proceed and move on.But,Performance coach came into her life and changed this.Now,four years after the brave coach's death because of colon disease,Miss Oh's fears are no longer hidden.They go with her wherever she goes and she is not fearing to chase the dreams anymore.
Her motto in life is:"If you think you are useless,you are useless."
And she also believes that nothing is impossible.That is what makes her what she is today.
This character-driven story,page A12 and A13 of The Straits Times,Friday,February 27 2009 is very well penned as they bring out the hardships and humiliations that Miss Oh faced while persuing her dreams.It also brings motivation as Miss Oh's words are show that we can all do what we want if we are determined enough.I encourage people to have the same attitude as Miss Oh and never give up!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Aussie Pell SHINES in Singapore(LA assignment)!

It's a blur of movement!No,its superman!You all are wrong!It is the Australian cyclist/biker,David Pell!You can read about him and his feat on the newspaper dated 23rd February 2009 in the Home section.I think this is a character-driven story as the newspaper article just revolves about David Pell in about 80% of the sentences that were written by the journalist who went to the event.
Overall,I think that David Pell is a good sportsman as he did his best in the competition and pushed himself to the limits.Mind you,he summoned all his strength and sprinted past the leaders at the last part of the race.Even though he did this,he did not jeer at the bikers that he sprinted past.This is a good example of humility.
He cycled the whole race,mastering the wet conditions to ride home at 1 hour 28 minutes and 16 seconds.The whole race distance was 2km but Pell paced himself very well to win the OCBC Elite Criterium Crown to dash past the leaders in the final part of the race.Why?Because there was a sprints classification,something like a race within a race,whereby bikers accumulated points within 5 laps for a bonus of S$5000.Even though Pell tried to get points,he failed.Still,he could dash past the leaders in the final part of the race!
When the journalist interviewed Pell,however,I was pleasantly surprised as his words did not show a sign of any arrogance but instead humility.
This is what I think a role model of a sportsman should be.He or she should have sportsmanship and not jeer at other competitors they had defeated.Instead he or she should be humble and not let the success get into his head,thus making him proud and complacent.Through this,he will be sure to fail and fall into oblivion.Others may even despise him for his actions and snobishness!
Budding sportsmen should take David Pell as their role model.In my opinion,David is truly the role model over the rest of the sportsmen,of course,not because only of this achievement but his character.Unless he goes the path of Michael Phelps...Then,my opinion of him will change completely and forever....Until then(hopefully it will never come),these are my good opinions of him...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Please do not do redundant things

My friend told me in school today that somebody gave him a comment on his blog again!And do you know what it is about?It was about another comment on the blog.I was still laughing my head off when I went for break!Pease do not do these hilarious stuff on my blog.This is redundant and a waste of your time.My blog is not a chatroom of any sort,anyway.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shooting is really tiring!But i love it!

Pant.....Pant.....Whew....I finally found time to write in my blog!Oh man...Even now,with only three times per week of training,I can't cope already!Wait...Actually I can cope in my school work,just that I haven't found the time and energy to write in this blog until now!Let me describe the training to you...It's in a comfortably FREEZING place...You can't move your legs for the whole duration of the training(2 hours)...After the training,we go out into the sun to do PT.Physical training.The seniors describe it as the bane of the secondary 1s.Never a truer word.We have to run about 2.4km and do 20 pushups.For "homework",its another 20 push-ups.What do you think of this kind of training?Please give your comments,thank you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Funny show on television.

Hi people!Do you watch the show,or maybe the gameshow "ninja warrior"?It's really funny and entertaining yet shows the amount of time the competitors put into the competition.In the gameshow,competitors have to go through tests of strength,ABOMINABLE strength,in fact.If you are moody,maybe you should watch this show,because some competitors fall into the muddy water because they lose their balance.They fall in many different sorts of funny ways,so if you are moody,its really a good show to watch,really.

NO profanities!

I am referring to the comment by ev0n.Sorry,but no profanities are allowed on my blog,thanks.No offense.And,as for why we have so many training sessions per week,it is because the school wants us to uphold the level of the sport in our school(s).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Training 4 times a week!

ARGH!Another new problem has risen up from the depths of "school land" to challenge me!My CCA, which is the "coveted" shooting club,has training 4 times a week!I think I may succumb to the stress of it...But,no matter!Why do I say that?Because my mum is always there to encourage me to do my best!So I will not fail!(big,"movielike",almost counted as wicked laugh)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thanks for comments

I'd like to thank evon and revolution for their comments,or,more sophisticatedly,"positive criticisms".=)Anyway,I really agree with evon on the comment about science lessons in the laboratory.The steps to follow may be tedious,evon,but the science teacher just wants us to be safe.Still,thanks for the comments...

New cca!

I've got a new CCA(FYI,its co-curricular activity)!And guess what?Its what all boys would like!Its the.....Shooting club!And for all the surprised people out there,yes,I really passed the trials!And today,which was the first CCA day for the freshmen,my coach told me something really unexpected.I didn't have to use the air rifle before the coach chose me to shoot the air pistol!I was instantly "upgraded" to the pistol!Wow(twinkling eyes)=)...I'm really ecstatic about it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Never Take Drugs

Olympics,Five Months ago...
Commentator#1:My,if Phelps wins this one,he's going to set a world record!I think I can see the headlines now!"Phelps knocks Spitz out of world records!"That's going to be a blast!And they're off!Phelps seems to be lagging behind!Doesn't he want to be the world record holder?They're turning now!Oh!Phelps turns!He charges!Those massive strokes!He's first already!Leads by a metre!Wins!Phelps is the world record holder!Oh My God!.......
Five months later...
The media splashes its "hot" news on newspapers,the television news and the Internet."Phelps on probation for taking drugs".
Phelps is almost banned for 4 years for taking drugs,namely cannabis.Somebody who wished to be anonymous saw him smoking out of a pipe called a "bong".
See what drugs can do to you?I bet that Phelps parents,coach and the whole of united states was really disappointed to see their national sports hero taking drugs.He was meant to be a role model,but look at him now!Does he mean that he wants everybody to take drugs?I don't think so.
Although he has already apologised to the whole world, I still have a bad impression of him.
What about you,viewers?Send in your comments so that I may know!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Finally finished my homework!

Whew!I finished my weekend homework on time,man!But as I was getting on my bed last night,I thought of today's homework and groaned to myself.Oh man...(sigh...)Well,i'm going to finish my homework before using the computer again.Oh yeah,I may not be able to.Oh man...Piano Lessons...(ENORMOUS sigh...)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Too Much Homework!

Argh!I have too much homework for my weekends!Oh no...I can't go to my friend's house to play...Man...I must finish my homework even if it means sleeping at 3a.m.Charge!Anyway so sorry for not posting for so long.Heehee.I was to busy collecting red packets during the lunar new year.Why am I still on the internet?Ooops!Got to go!I'll post soon!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Two more days to Hwa Chong chinese new year celebrations!

Time really flies.It seemed like only yesterday that it was Christmas!Now,it's going to be the chinese new year celebrations!Hmmm...But our teachers,knowing it's about to be a long holiday,will give us more homework.Oh well...

Reply to comment

I'm a shy person...So thank you very much,ev0n.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Serious thing that they teach in Hwa Chong

Hi guys!Today,I'm going to touch on one of the topics that they take very seriously in Hwa Chong Institution.On Friday,14 of January,I read a handout that my Language Arts teacher gave to the class.Although the title was not plainly "integrity",the main point of the handout was integrity.It was titled "Families Against the Casino Threat in Singapore".The people signed a petition and gave it to the President of the Republic of Singapore.But before that,they deleted the names of those who signed the online petition but had a suspicious handphone number or address that did not exist.Much as they wanted as many signatures on the petition,they deleted unreliable signatures!Why?To uphold the value of integrity.In spite of knowing the casino threat in Singapore,I also support them in doing this.Why?For integrity.
Now why do I take integrity so seriously?It's because if someone lacks integrity and uses an inventor's invention and patents it under his name,even if it is not useful,it would be unfair to the inventor.Put yourself in the inventor's shoes or point of view.Would you get frustrated?I,for one,would.What about you?Please give your comments and suggestions.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Beginning of my new blog!(:

Hi People!This is the beginning of my new blog!I'm very excited about it,but I don't know whether it will be good.So to all the viewers out there,please give your comments generously,whether good or bad,so that I can improve on it!Thanks guys!