Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Plate's full!!! Up to my ears!!!

I've recently been bombarded by homework in school. It wasn't much, but then I don't know why, but I suddenly had a feeling that I had to complete my ACE, fast. There was also a very difficult flash project to hand in. I finished that yesterday and rushed through my tons of homework at home. However, I could only progress little through my ACE projects, hmmm.... I'm so disappointed with myself. And piano practice! I completely overlooked that! Piano examination will be due in 4 weeks and I haven't perfected any one of my songs... My teacher'll be furious when I go for lessons on Saturday...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    You are taking piano exam in a month's time? :O What grade is it anyway? Good luck for it then! I am taking Diploma next year. :) Same here, tons and tons of homework waiting to be finished. My geography group pesentation is on next Monday. (Haven't start with my friends yet) I just feel that nowadays in NYGH, I kind of lack self motivation. You know sometimes I seem to be wanting to revise or do my work but thinking that the deadline is so far away. I don't feel like getting started. Looking back when we were in MBS, Mdm Lee was very strict and always demanded us to hand up homework the next day. In NYGH, the teachers are simply too kind. They are easy to negotiate with to extend the deadlines.
