Monday, March 22, 2010

The Many Different Kinds of Prejudice

Today in class, we discussed the holiday homework set to us, which were 3 essays. I think the most in depth area we discussed would be the different kinds of prejudice that were in the book, To Kill A Mockingbird.
So the first kind of prejudice discussed was social prejudice, in which people of different social class discriminate against others. For example, in the text, the people of Maycombe were very prejudiced against the Ewells because of the way they lived and because they carried themselves without dignity. Also, Aunt Alexandra also said that the Cunninghams were "good folk but not our[their] kind of folk". As the Cunninghams were poor while the Finches were somewhat of higher "class", Aunt Alexandra thus portrayed social prejudice in the form of her snobbish attitude towards people of a lower class.
Next, there was also gender prejudice, in which Aunt Alexandra also played a big role. This is because when she comes to the house to stay, she tries to impress upon Scout the way a girl should behave, in this case, more ladylike, instead of tomboyish, like Scout was then. However, this should not be the case as Scout should have the right to behave as she likes, as long as it was not criminal. Also, Scout also showed some "girly" actions because she is able to view Dill, her supposed "husband-to-be" from a girl's perspective. So, from Aunt Alexandra's attempt to impress ladylike-ness on Scout, we can see that, although it somewhat failed, it showed that Aunt Alexandra had a biased view on how a girl should act.
Next, moving on to one of the biggest themes and problems seen in the text, racial prejudice. One major example would be how the jury, which consisted fully of white people, had biased views on Tom Robinson's case and concluded that he was guilty of raping Mayella Ewell because of that. Although Atticus showed, in his argument, evidently that Tom Robinson did not assault or rape Mayella Ewell, and it was in fact Bob Ewell who hit his own daughter, the jury still gave a very biased decision and gave the verdict that Tom Robinson was guilty. From this, it is evidently shown that racial prejudice, and possibly discrimination are present in the setting that Harper Lee puts the book in.
So, these are the three kinds of prejudice displayed that I think are the most important in the book. What are your feelings about these kinds of prejudice and are they present in the society now? Write in to comment and share.

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