Monday, March 8, 2010

Exams are finally over!!!!

Okay.... I think many people will think that this post is a bit lag..... However, this is actually quite true for me because I also have 3rd Language and the 3rd Language test was a week after all the school tests, on Friday. The weekends were for celebrating, so I'm posting this now. So, to all readers, I would like to share my results and experience of tests, one of the banes of students' lives.
Well, I actually got A's for most of my subjects, but they all seemed to fall short of A1, so I think I'll have to work harder for the coming term. Overall, I think I did quite well, considering the jump from Sec 1 to Sec 2, as the first year of secondary school life in Hwa Chong is dubbed the "honeymoon year".
I don't want to disclose ALL of my results, as my resulting MSG would disgrace me. To those who REALLY want to know, it's above 2. Yeah, yeah, mum. No more 1 point something. I'll work harder.
So, what about you readers? How were your Term 1 results? Are you happy? Disappointed? Write in to comment.

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