Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Test Period

As many people who read my blog know, I am a shooter and I also have a.....quite busy curriculum. Shooting involves training every available day, thankfully excluding Sundays.... Because that's the day when most competitions are. Well, I am sorry, people, I may be posting simultaneous posts on the same day because of this.
So, moving on to the topic that the title mentioned. The test period is unarguably the most busy time of the term, especially the End-Of-Year exams, which may cause symptoms of.....Mugging Syndrome, which includes endless muttering of exam topic facts, severe concentration to the teacher..... Just kidding. But this may be true for some.
Anyway, coming back to the point. My real question that I may be able to answer in this blog post is: How do we study effectively and efficiently?
For me, sitting down and completing the homework assigned by the teacher should have been enough for me to ace my exams when I was a primary school student. However, a word of warning to those who were quick learners like me(ah! sorry for boasting!), secondary school life is different, if you haven't noticed. Teachers may give few basic exercises, and it would be up to you to think of the complex problems that the teacher may bombard you with in the exam. Searching the net would always be the best option for most, but there is also the big problem of peeling yourself away from games.
I think the best solutions would be to set a time limit for your computer usage or tell your parents to watch you closely and chide you if you visit games sites. I doubt that people would want to use the second solution, so the time limit method would be best. This would cause you to work faster, in addition to concentrating on the task at hand because you know you have a certain time to complete a certain task or milestone.
This is my solution. What about yours? Write in to comment or suggest new ways to study even more effectively. Many people would benefit!

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