Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Physical Education

Today, I had my PE lesson. Upon hearing that we were about to run a cross-country race of a sort in February, all of the students groaned. I thought to myself, Aww, man.... My stamina isn't really up to mark! I couldn't even run 2.4km, the standard for secondary schools' NAPFA tests, without huffing and puffing like bellows at a blacksmith's fire.
As a "small" exercise, we were to run around 3km. All of us groaned even louder and slouched towards the starting point. However, I surprised myself today by being able to run the whole 3km WITHOUT STOPPING. I paced myself from start to end, and even managed to come in as the first few in the class! I even had the energy to do a "nitro" at the last 100 metres of the exercise by sprinting towards the end!
I was amazed by the handful of people sitting around, and at first I thought that I did not really run 3km and missed a rounds. The 3km felt even shorter than the agonising 2.4km! I think that the pacing helped a lot because my momentum was already set in place and did not need much "re-setting".
Do you have a more effective way of running? I want to ace my NAPFA test this year! Do comment to share.

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